
Where can I find doraemon chapter 307?


Here the link!!

307-ex :


Hello Pandoratv-raws, thanks for providing the subtitles. It tried the recent ones (627,628,629) and found a number of issues:
1) The encoding is uncommon (UCS-2) - Please use UTF-8 . Both are encodings for Unicode. UCS-2 is outdated - UTF-8 is the default in nearly every editor.
2) The subtitles don't show on some video players. The problem is that the "empty line" between subtitles is not empty. It contains a single space. Please remove the space.
3) The subtitles download with mp3 extension from google drive. Minor issue but annoying.


I will check the problem you mentioned.
Thanks for your opinion^^


Thanks, if for some reason the tool you use does not give you a means makes such changes, I can create a little command line tool (in Java) that does it.


Thank you for work hard!
In difficult times, I enjoy to watch Doraemon.
Very happy for me! I love you!!


Thanks for the nice comment!
We will develop even more in the future!

Secret visitor

Administrator only.


Currently, we do not have files without Japanese subtitles.
Thank you!

Siam Islam

Nobita new dinasour movie will be release 16 december on bluray and dvd


I heard the story someday.
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